Saturday, 6 April 2013

6th class - Food: Where does it come from?

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Where does it come from? 
All living beings need food for growth and development. What are different types of food variety available and their sources? Learn various plant part as food and animal product as food. Classify animals on the basis of their food habit.  
Things You Must Know
1. The main sources of our food are plants and animals.
2. The edible part of plants can be leaves, fruits, roots, stems or even flowers.
3. Bees collect nectar from flowers and store it in their hive.
4. Animals which eat only plants are called herbivores.
5. Animals which eat only animals are called carnivores.
6. Animals which eat both plants as well as animals are called omnivores.
 Q & A on Food variety and their sources

Q.1.What happens after the seeds sprout?

Q.2.Which parts of a plant are considered edible?


Q.3.Give five examples of animal products.


Q.4.What are ingredients?


Q.5.What is the difference between herbivores and carnivores?


Q.6.Name any five milk products.


Q.7.How can you make seeds sprout?


Q.8.What are omnivores?


Q.9.How do bees produce honey?


Q.10.Mention four items eaten by birds.
Activity: To show that seeds of many plants are edible in nature.
  1. Corn cobs or bhuttas
  2. Cooking pan with lid
  3. Cooking oil
  4. Glass bowl


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