Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Complete Class 10 Social Science Package for the last Moment-2013

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omplete Class 10 Social Science Package for the last Moment-2013 is given here

19.Explain three factors that make minerals extraction commercially viable.

20.Explain any three reasons for the expansion of sugar industry in the southern states of India.

21.Agriculture and industry are not exclusive of each other. They move hand in hand? Justify the statement with any three suitable arguments.

22.Describe the three main elements of democratic struggles?

23.Why is a democratic government considered better than dictatorship? Explain any three reasons.

24.Explain any three main social outcomes of democracy.

25.What are the challenges faced by countries making transition to democracy under foundational challenge? Explain?

26.''The impact of globalization has not been uniform?. Explain this statement.

27.What is the meaning of liberalization of foreign trade? What does it mean in the Indian context?


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